Thursday, August 2, 2012

Foto Seksi Artis Five Vi "Sexy Blue Glamour"

Foto Seksi Artis Five Vi "Sexy Blue Glamour"
Five Vi

Five Vi

Five Vi

Five Vi

Five Vi

Five Vi, Glad Sexy Labelled

Five Vi Rahmawati artist absurdly pleased when she branded sexy girls. For Five Vi, as the sexy girls dressed commonplace because she often opens up to show her cleavage.
"Let people know who I am. The important thing is I just adjust her place. If I walk to the upscale mall with a sexy dress, people would see it for granted. But if the market, certainly a different story. All depends on the human brain. So do not blame me, please, "Five Vi said when met at the Immigrant, Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta, recently.
Even so, the Five Vi admitted to not feel uncomfortable. By appearing to wear minimal clothing and open, she wants to be labeled sexy. "Images I really like it, might not look sexy when wearing protective clothing," she explained.
According to the widow who played in the movie 'Hantu Binal Jembatan Semanggi', almost all dressed sexy and open.
Five Vi actual claim sometimes there's shame when dressed too sexy
"Well what can we do. All because the demands of the profession and as an artist I must be professional, "she explained.
Although dressed sexy, but a matter of romance, the widow of one child is still confused. Her boyfriend, Mark, Caucasians of Italian origin has yet to give certainty. "I think if long distance is hard too," confidante.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Foto Hot Artis Pevita Pearce 'Sexy Striped Bikini'

Foto Hot Artis Pevita Pearce 'Sexy Striped Bikini'
Pevita Pearce

Pevita Pearce

Pevita Pearce

Pevita Pearce

Pevita Pearce

Pevita Pearce

Love Relationship hung Pevita Pearce & Nino

Pevita Pearce actress has reportedly broken up with vocalist RAN, Nino. However Pevita Pearce sheepishly admit the end of their love relationships.
"It's gossip reporter wrote, I was shy when talking about personal stuff. We're not broken and do not go well," said Pevita Pearce in Grand Indonesia, Thamrin, Jakarta, on Wednesday.
Movie stars 'Lost In Love' was also reluctant to describe what kind of relationship with the singer's full name is Nino Kayam. She claimed to still embarrassed disclose it.
"Actually, the story just want reliability. It must be recounted in sometime, I can not get to talk because I'm shy," said Pevita Pearce.
Nevertheless, Pond's star was still maintaining a good relationship with Nino. She also claimed to support each other their respective professions.
"For sure we still have good relations. We still run it on good terms. Communication, mutual support." said Pevita Pearce.
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